
This directory contains Mathematica programs of various types: Packages (.m or .wl), Computable Data Format documents (.cdf), Notebooks (.nb) and links to deployed documents in the Wolfram Cloud.

The same given entry (see the list below) may give rise to various files : a package that you can download and run locally with your own version of Mathematica, a pedagogical (hope so) notebook that you can also download and run locally or read with a desktop or mobile version of the CDF Player, a cdf demo that you can download and run with your CDF Player, a web based cdf demo if you are using a compatible web browser together with the wolfram cdf player plug-in (but this seems to be a dying technology), and hyperlinks to deployed documents in the Wolfram Cloud.

Usually interactive cdf documents incorporate limits on the length of the generated output, or limits on the computing time. Deployed documents in the cloud incorporate more drastic limits because they cost me Wolfram credits every time you run them (this is what I have understood...). Notebooks and Packages do not suffer from these limitations, of course.

Typically the code behind an interactive program consists of two parts: 1) the code for the command of interest (you can download the notebook or the package and run it with Mathematica on your machine), 2) the code for an interactive interface. The first part is more or less stable. The second part, if it exists, may give rise to a cdf interactive file that can also be run with Mathematica, but also with a CDF Player. However there are are various versions of the Player (different platforms): the various versions do not all behave in the same way and some commands do not run at all in the Player (for instance, as of September 2017, most versions do not accept nested Manipulate commands). For this reason the code for the interactive interface is sometimes a bit convoluted because it is supposed to run not only in Mathematica but also with the various versions of the CDF Player; this part should be simplified if the functionalities of the Player are improved.

The code O-blades for the CDF player is now (> 2020) the same for the computer and for the iPad tablet (IOS)

The cdf plugin for browsers, which used to be called CDF Player (it should have been given another name since it has nothing to do with the "other" CDF Player... and this is really confusing!) seems to be incompatible with most recent browsers. Even when it is, and even if you downloaded the plugin, depending of the location of the web page you want to look at, there is often a problem at the level of granting access to the plugin. So if this does not work, do not waste time: forget the browser, download the cdf file to your machine or to your mobile device, and run it locally with your CDF Player. If you download the .nb or .cdf files, and if your browser adds a .txt extension to the name of the file, just erase manually the extension.

All the files of this directory have been uploaded to GitHub (MIT licence, open source).

Available programs

Dimensions of irreducible representations of SU(n).

Notebook and Package

This very short program (here) contains the source code (one line of Mathematica) and the code for the interactive interface

Interactive documents

Interactive cdf for the CDF Player (file), computer or tablet

Product of irreducible representations of SU(n) and decomposition into a direct sum.

Notebook and Package

The notebook (here) contains the main source code (Mathematica package) and the code for the interactive interface

Interactive documents

Interactive cdf for the CDF Player (file), computer or tablet

Interactive cdf for the WEB plugin player (web page)

Pictographs for SU(n) intertwiners: honeycombs.

Notebook and Package

The notebook (here) contains the main source code (Mathematica packages) and the code for the interactive interface

Interactive documents

Interactive cdf for the CDF Player (file) , computer or tablet

Interactive cdf for the WEB plugin player (web page)

Pictographs for SU(n) intertwiners: oblades.

Notebook and Package

The notebook (here) contains the main source code (Mathematica packages) and the code for the interactive interface

Interactive documents

Interactive cdf for the CDF Player (file) , computer or tablet (IOS)

Interactive cdf for the WEB plugin player (old version) (web page)

SymPol$Package : a package for symmetric polynomials (General, Jack, Zonal, Quaternionic, Schur, etc).

To download: Option click (Alt-click on a Mac) on the link!

To use a menu: Right click (Control-click on a Mac) on the link!

The package

The package SymPol$Package (here) contains the source code

Documentation and examples

The notebook SymPol$Examples (here) contains many examples and illustrates the usage of most commands

Deployed documents in the Cloud

Comments and complements : see Varia