Xème Ecole de Cosmologie
5-10 juillet 2010 IESC Cargèse

Le fond diffus cosmologique à haute résolution angulaire

Neutrinos in the CMB

Centre Europeén pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN)

Chapitres du Cours
  1. Status of neutrino physics from laboratory experiments
  2. Neutrino decoupling and relic density
  3. Impact of massless neutrinos on cosmological perturbations
  4. Impact of neutrino mass on cosmological perturbations
  5. Sensitivity of cosmological observations to neutrinos
  6. Beyond the main stream: sterile neutrinos, coupled neutrinos
  7. Beyond linear perturbations: N-body simulations, semi-analytic methods

After a short introduction on what is known and not known in neutrino physics, we will review the role played by neutrinos in the evolution of cosmological background quantitites and perturbations. We will pay a particular attention to the impact of massive neutrino free-streaming on the linear growth factor during dark matter and dark energy domination. We will show how future observations - including Planck - can probe these effects. The end of the course will be devoted to a brief dicussion of non-standard neutrinos (sterile, coupled, etc.), and to the important question of including massive neutrinos in predictions for the non-linear matter power spectrum (with N-body simulations or semi-analytic methods).

  • Massive neutrinos and cosmology.
    J. Lesgourgues and S. Pastor, Phys. Rept. 429: 307-379, 2006 [astro-ph/0603494]
  • Primordial neutrinos.
    S. Hannestad, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci.56: 137-161, 2006 [hep-ph/0602058]
  • Probing neutrino masses with cmb lensing extraction.
    J. Lesgourgues, L. Perotto, S. Pastor, M. Piat, Phys. Rev. D73: 045021, 2006 [astro-ph/0511735]
