Non Linear Cosmology Program
"Caustics and Cosmological Structures"
11-15 July 2005  Marseille

Bulletin (1)

The goal of the Non Linear Cosmology Program (NLCP) is to bring together specialists on nonlinear approaches in cosmology, physics, astronomy and mathematics, to work on the dynamics of cosmic structures. The previous workshops were held in Nice (2003, 2004), they were devoted to "reconstruction methods". This year's topic focuses on the formation and the analysis of Dark Matter Caustics.

The Organizers :

The International Scientific Committee : U. Frisch (Nice, France), S. Shandarin (Kansas,USA), R.Triay (Marseille, France)
The worshop : Any wish for presenting a lecture/seminar should be addressed to "triay at" by notifying title/abstract and  related papers identification codes on specified websites (spire,..). A small number of working-talks is envisaged in order to promote discussions and possible improvements instead.

Location : Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) is located on University de la Méditerrannée Campus (Luminy) beside a pine-tree forest, and near the Calanques (famous cliffs on the Marseille-Cassis sea border). Within a 20 minutes walk from the sea, it might be wise to wear comfortable walking shoes (because of rocky ways) and to have a flashlight to make the walk easier by night.

Accommodation : Accommodation is provided at CIRM (shared or single rooms).  Please specify in the registration form with who you want to share the room. The cost of living per day depends is about  60 €  for a shared double room and 70 € for a single room, including 3 meals. See website CIRM for further informationst . Any stay apart from the dates envisaged above will not be managed by the Workshop.

Registration : No Registration fees. Please, complete your registration form as soon as possible, the dead line is July 4st, 2005.

Travel : Participants are expected to arrive not earlier than July 10 (Sunday evening) and not leave later than July 15 (Friday night).

Social events : No programming is envisaged. The participants will be able to choose among the cultural events which will take place in the surroundings of Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, etc...

Regular correspondace must be addressed to:

R. Triay (NLCP 2005)
Centre de Physique Théorique - CNRS
Luminy Case 907,  F 3288 Marseille Cedex 9

We will be glad to see you at CIRM Luminy in July 10, 2004.

The Organizing Committee

Practical :Place - Registration  - Bulletin (2)
Science : Scope - Program - Participants

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