TITLE Localized Patterns and Energy Confinement in (Non) Equilibrium Ensembles AUTHOR Michael ZEITLIN ABSTRACT An efficient numerical-analytical approach is proposed for analysis of complex collective dynamics in accelerator/plasma physics models based on the full hierarchy of kinetic equations (BBGKY-like systems of equations). Our calculations are based on variational and multiresolution approaches in the basis of polynomial tensor algebras of various localized bases. We construct the representation for hierarchy of distribution functions and dynamical variables via the exact multiscale decomposition in high-localized nonlinear eigenmodes. The corresponding cut-off of infinite hierarchy, reductions to finite dimensional subsets and accuracy of calculations are based on the new multiscale metric structure of the whole Fock-like space of all distribution functions. We demonstrate the possibility of the existence of energy confinement/fusion in the small regions of the phase space (waveleton configurations) [1]. [1] A. Fedorova, M. Zeitlin, Classical and Quantum Ensembles via Multiresolution. I. BBGKY Hierarchy; II. Wigner Ensembles; arXiv preprints: quant-ph/0406009, quant-ph/0406010; Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2004, in press.