Carlo Rovelli - Curriculum Vitae  

  (Updated March 2002)

Centre de Physique Theorique
Luminy, Case 907,
F13288 Marseille, France

Phone 33 (0) 491 26 9644
Fax:  33 (0) 491 26 9553

Present position

- Professuer (1ère classe).  Université de la Méditerranée.   Centre de Physique Théorique, CNRS-Luminy, Marseille, France.
- Adjunct Professor.   Physics Department.    University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Affiliated Professor.     Department of History and Philosophy of Science.  University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA.


1970-1975  Liceo Maffei, Verona,      Classical studies
1975-1981  Universita' di Bologna,    Laurea in Fisica (with honors)
1983-1986  Universita' di Padova,     Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in Physics

Professional Employment

1999-2000        Université de la Méditerranée,    Professeur Associé
1998-1999        CPT Luminy,                                 Directeur de recherche
1999-2001        Pittsburgh University                  Full Professor
1994-1999        Pittsburgh University                  Associate Professor
1990-1994        Università di Trento                     Ricercatore
1990-1994        Pittsburgh University                  Assistant Professor
1988-1989        Università dell'Aquila                   Professore a contratto
1989                    Sissa, Trieste                               Post-Doctoral position
1989                    Syracuse University                    Visiting Fellow
1987                    Yale University                            Post-doctoral Fellowship
1987-1988        Università di Roma                       INFN  Post-doctoral position
1987                    Syracuse University                    Visiting position
1986                    Imperial College London               Visiting position

Awards and honors

1995 Xanthopoulos Award, Triennial International Prize in Relativity awarded to:
        ``  Thebest relativist under 40 years old  ''

Gravity Research Foundation, 1996 Second Award for the Essay:
     `` Physics with nonperturbative quantum gravity: radiation from quantum  black holes ''

Chancellor Distinguished Research Award, University of Pittsburgh 1993

``Idoneo" al concorso Professore Universitario di Prima Fascia, Università di Lecce, Maggio 2000.

Chiamata "per chiara fama" votata dal Consiglio di Dipertimento dell'Universita' di Roma La Sapienza, Aprile 2002.

Honorable mention from the Gravity Research Foundation award, 1995

Honorable mention from the Gravity Research Foundation award, 2002

Editorial Board, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1995 -
Associate Editor, General Relativity and Geometry, 1996 -
Honorable mention from the Gravity Research Foundation award, 1995
Main Organizer, International Conference ``La Forma dello Spazio - Italian research on Quantum Gravity, Trento, Italy, June 1993
Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science, Annual Series Lecturer, 1994
Lecturer, ``Italian School of Mathematical Physics'', Ravello, September 1996
Lecturer, ``Karpacz XXXV Winter School of Theoretical Physics ``From Cosmology to Quantum Gravity'' Polanica, Poland, February, 1999
Scientific Committee, International Conference ``Constrained Dynamical Systems and Quantum Gravity I, Dubna, Russia, July 1995
Scientific Committee, International Conference ``Constrained Dynamical Systems and Quantum Gravity II, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 1996
Scientific Committee, International Conference ``Coherent States, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity'', Warsaw, Poland, August 1998
Comitato Scientifico, SIGRAV graduate school in contemporary relativity and gravitational physics, Villa Olmo, Como (Italy) 1998-present.
Advisory Committee, International Workshop ``Selected topics of theoretical and Modern Mathematical Physics, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 1996
Program Committee, 1996 International Fellows Conference Center for Philosophy of Science, Castiglioncello May 1996
Organizing Committee, International Seminar on Mathematical Cosmology March 30 - April 4,1998, Potsdam, Germany
Advisory Committee, Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity 99, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy, September 14-18 1999.
Editor, Special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Physics on ``Quantum Geometry and Diffeomorphism Invariant Quantum Field Theory, in collaboration with L Smolin, 1995
Associate Fellow, Newton Institute, Cambridge UK, 1994
Resident Fellow, Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science, 1991 - present.
Member of the ``Conseille de Laboratoire", Centre de Physique Theorique  de Luminy.
Member ``Comite' des specialistes", Commission 29, Universite' Aix Marseille I.
Member ``Comite' des specialistes", Commission 29, Universite' Aix Marseille II

Referee for
Journals: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Nuclear Physics, Physics Letters, Physical Review A, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Journal of General Relativity, General Relativity and Gravitation, Gravity and Geometry, Foundations of Physics, Nuovo Cimento, Modern Physics Letters, Journal of Modern Physics, Europhysics Letters, Complexity
Publishers: Oxford University Press, Chicago University Press <#35#> Founding Agencies<#35#>: National Science Foundation (USA), Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftilchen Forschung (Austria), Science Council (Canada).

``Non perturbative Quantum Gravity;";,NSF Grant PHY-9900791: $95,631 (1999 - 2002)
``Non perturbative Quantum Gravity";,NSF Grant PHY-95-15506: $82,000 (1996 -1999)
``Non perturbative Quantum Gravity",NSF Grant PHY-93-11465: $47,000 (1993 -1995)
``Non perturbative Quantum Gravity";NSF Grant PHY-90-12099: $63,000 (1990-1993)
Physics Department of the University of Pittsburgh, Grant PITT 2-11225: $6,670 (1990-1994)
``US-Italy cooperative research: Non perturbative quantum gravity'',NSF Grant: $19,000 (1990-1993)
``US-Argentina cooperative research: General Relativity''NSF Grant: $11,000 (1992-1993)
INFN Fellowship: Lit. 12,000,000 (1987-1988) ``La forma dello spazio''
INFN Grant: Lit. 5,000,000 (1993) ``La forma dello spazio''
University of Trento Grant: Lit. 4,000,000 (1993) Research Scholarship ``Fondazione della Riccia: Lit. 5,000,000 (1987)

American Physical Society
American Society for the Advancement of Science
International Society of General Relativity
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Associazione Italiana di Fisica della Gravitazione e Relativita' Generale
Sigma X association

Who's who listings
Who's Who in the World
Who's Who in America
Who's Who in Science and Engineering

Italian citizen
Citizen of the United States of America
Spoken languages: fluent in Italian, French, English
Born in Verona, Italy, on May 3rd, 1956.

Total number of citations listed on the USPIRES-SLAC database: 3050


Scientific papers

  1. C Rovelli: ``Ghosts in Gravity theories with a scalar field Il Nuovo Cimento 78B, 167 (1983)
  2.  C Rovelli: ``Constraint algebra in General Relativity Il Nuovo Cimento 92B, 49 (1986)
  3.  C Rovelli: ``Anomalies in quantum gravity Physics Letters B187, 88 (1987)
  4.  C Rovelli: ``Quantization of the 'single point gravity' hamiltonian system Physics Review D35, 2987 (1987)
  5.  C Rovelli: ``Group quantization of constrained systems Il Nuovo Cimento B 100, 343 (1988)
  6.  C Rovelli and L Smolin: ``Knot theory and quantum gravity Physical Review Letters 61, 1155 (1988)
  7.  C Rovelli: ``Loop space representation In: ``New perspectives in canonical gravity, A Ashtekar Bibliopolis, Naples 1988
  8.  C Rovelli: ``General relativity in the fixed volume gauge Classical and Quantum Gravity 6, 911 (1989)
  9.  A Ashtekar, V Husain, J Samuel, C Rovelli, L Smolin: ``2+1 quantum gravity as a toy model for the 3+1 theory'' Classical and Quantum Gravity 6, L185 (1989)
  10.  C Rovelli, L Smolin: ``Loop space representation for quantum general relativity; Nuclear Physics B331, 80 (1990)
  11.  C Rovelli: ``What is observable in classical and quantum gravity?'' Classical and Quantum Gravity 8, 297 (1991)
  12.  C Rovelli: ``Quantum reference systems'' Classical and Quantum Gravity 8, 317 (1991)
  13.  C Rovelli: ``Quantum mechanics without time: a model; Physical Review D42, 2638 (1991)
  14.  C Rovelli: ``Time in quantum gravity: an hypothesis; Physical Review D43, 442 (1991)
  15.  C Rovelli: ``Ashtekar formulation of general relativity and loop space non-perturbative Quantum Gravity: a report" Invited review paper. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 8, 1613-1675 (1991)
  16.  A Ashtekar, C Rovelli, L Smolin: ``Gravitons and loops" Physical Review D44, 1740 (1991)
  17.  C Rovelli: ``Quantum evolving constants" Physical Review D44, 1339 (1991)
  18.  C Kozameh, T Newman, C Rovelli: ``On Radiation in a massive Schwarzschild background" Physical Review D44, 551 (1991)
  19.  J Goldberg, T Newman, C Rovelli: ``On Hamiltonian systems with first class constraints" Journal of Mathematical Physics 32, 2739-2743 (1991)
  20.  D Boyanowski, T Newman, C Rovelli: ``Quantization of dynamical systems with a Chern-Simon term" Physical Review D45, 1210 (1992)
  21.  C Rovelli: ``Knot theory and spacetime" Feature Article in the 1992 edition of the "Year-Book of Science and Technology" of the Encyclopedia Britannica
  22.  A Ashtekar, C Rovelli: ``Connections, loops and quantum general relativity" Classical and Quantum Gravity 9, 3 (1992)
  23.  A Ashtekar, C Rovelli: ``Loop representation of Maxwell field'' Classical and Quantum Gravity 9, 1121 (1992)
  24.  A Ashtekar, C Rovelli, L Smolin, "Self duality and quantization" Journal of Geometry and Physics 8, 7 (1992)
  25.  A Ashtekar, C Rovelli, L Smolin: ``Weaving a classical metric with quantum threads" Physical Review Letters 69, 237 (1992)
  26.  ET Newman, C Rovelli: ``Generalized lines of force as the gauge invariant degrees of freedom for general relativity and Yang-Mills theory" Physical Review Letters 69, 1300 (1992)
  27.  C Rovelli: ``Area is the length of Ashtekar's triad field" Physical Review D 47, 1703 (1993)
  28.  J Iwasaki, C Rovelli: ``Gravitons as Embroidery on the Weave" International Journal of Modern Physics D1, 533 (1993)
  29.  C Rovelli: ``Statistical mechanics of gravity and thermodynamical origin of time" Classical and Quantum Gravity, 10, 1549 (1993)
  30.  C Rovelli: ``The statistical state of the universe" Classical and Quantum Gravity, 10, pg 1567 (1993)
  31.  C Rovelli: ``A generally covariant quantum field theory and a prediction on quantum measurements of geometry" Nuclear Physics B405, 797 (1993)
  32.  C Rovelli: ``Basis of the Ponzano-Regge-Turaev-Viro-Ooguri quantum gravity model is the loop representation basis'' Physical Review D48, 2702 (1993)
  33.  J Lewandowski, ET Newman, C Rovelli: ``Variation of the parallel propagator and holonomy operator and the Gauss law constraint" Journal of Mathematical Physics 34, 4646 (1993)
  34.  C Rovelli and L Smolin: ``The physical hamiltonian in nonperturbative quantum gravity" Physical Review Letters 72, 446 (1994)
  35.  H Morales-Tecotl, C Rovelli: ``Fermions in Quantum Gravity" Physical Review Letters 72, 3642 (1994)
  36.  A Connes and C Rovelli: ``Von Neumann algebra automorphisms and time versus thermodynamics relation in general covariant quantum theories" Classical and Quantum Gravity, 11, 2899 (1994)
  37.  J Iwasaki, C Rovelli: ``Gravitons from loops: non-perturbative loop-space quantum gravity contains the graviton-physics approximation" Classical and Quantum Gravity 11, 1653 (1994)
  38.  C Rovelli: ``Comment on `The meaning of the wave function' " Physical Review A, 50 (1994) 2788
  39.  S Frittelli, S Koshti, T Newman, C Rovelli: ``Classical and quantum dynamics of the Faraday lines of force" Physical Review D49 (1994) 6883
  40.  C Rovelli: ``Analysis of the different meaning of the concept of time in different physical theories" Il Nuovo Cimento 110B, 81 (1995)
  41.  R DePietri and C Rovelli: ``Eigenvalues of the Weyl operator as observables in General Relativity" Classical and Quantum Gravity 12, 1279 (1995)
  42.  C Bicchieri and C Rovelli: ``Evolution and Revolution; catastrophe theory and the dynamics of norms" Rationality and Society 7, 201 (1995)
  43.  C Rovelli and L Smolin: ``Discreteness of Area and Volume in Quantum Gravity" Nuclear Physics B 442, 593 (1995). Erratum: Nuclear Physics B 456, 734 (1995)
  44.  C Rovelli: ``Outline of a General Covariant Quantum Field Theory and a Quantum Theory of Gravity; Journal of Mathematical Physics 36, 5629 (1995) Paper awarded by a honorable mention from the Gravity Research Foundation.
  45.  H Morales-Tecotl and C Rovelli: ``Loop space representation of quantum fermions and gravity" Nuclear Physics B 451, 325 (1995)
  46.  C Rovelli and L Smolin: ``Spin Networks and Quantum Gravity" Physical Review D 53, 5743 (1995); gr-qc/9505006
  47.  N Grott and C Rovelli: ``Moduli spaces structure of knots with intersections" Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37, 3014 (1996)
  48.  C Rovelli: ``Relational Quantum Mechanics" International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 35, 1637 (1996)
  49.  R DePietri and C Rovelli: ``Geometry Eigenvalues and Scalar Product from Recoupling Theory in Loop Quantum Gravity" Physical Review D54 (1996) 2664
  50.  C Bicchieri, ME Pollack, C Rovelli, I Tsamardinos: ``The Potential for Evolution of Cooperation among Web Agents" International Journal of Human--Computer Studies, 48 (1998) 9-29.
  51.  M Barreira, M Carfora, C Rovelli: ``Physics with Loop Quantum Gravity: Radiation from Quantum Black Hole" General Relativity and Gravitation, 28 (1996) 1293. Second Award of the Gravity Research Foundation, 1996; gr-qc/9603064
  52.  N Grott, C Rovelli and RS Tate: ``Time-of-arrival in quantum mechanics" Physical Review A 54 (1996) 4679; quant-ph/9603021
  53.  S Frittelli, L Lehner, C Rovelli: ``The complete spectrum of the area from recoupling theory in loop quantum gravity '' Classical and Quantum Gravity, 13 (1996) 2921.
  54.  C Rovelli: ``Loop Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Physics, Helvetica Physica Acta, 69 (1996) 582; gr-qc/9608032
  55.  C Rovelli: ``Half way through the woods'', in The Cosmos of Science, J Earman and JD Norton editors, (University of Pittsburgh Press and Universitäts Verlag Konstanz, 1997).
  56.  S Frittelli, C Kozameh, ET Newman, C Rovelli and RS Tate: ``Fuzzy spacetime points from the null-surface formulation of general relativity" Classical and Quantum Gravity, 14 (1997) A143
  57.  N Grott, C Rovelli: ``Weave states in loop quantum gravity'', General Relativity and Gravitation, 29 (1997) 1039.
  58.  C Rovelli: ``Quantum gravity as a `sum over surfaces' `' Nuclear Physics B (Proc Suppl) 57 (1997) 28-43.
  59.  M Reisenberger, C Rovelli: ``Sum over Surfaces Form of Loop Quantum Gravity'' Physical Review D56 (1997) 3490-3508; gr-qc/9612035
  60.  C Rovelli: ``Black Hole Entropy from Loop Quantum Gravity; Physical Review Letter 14, pg 3288 (1996).
  61.  S Frittelli, C Kozameh, ET Newman, C Rovelli and RS Tate: ``Quantization of the null-surface formulation of general relativity" Physical Review D56 (1997) 889-907
  62.  G Landi, C Rovelli: ``General Relativity in terms of Dirac Eigenvalues'' Physical Review Letters, 78 (1997) 3051; gr-qc/9612034
  63.  R Borissov, R DePietri, C Rovelli: ``Matrix elements of Thiemann hamiltonian'' Classical and Quantum Gravity 14 (1997) 2793; gr-qc/97703090
  64.  C Rovelli, T Thiemann: ``The Immirzi parameter in quantum general relativity'' Physical Review D57 (1998) 1009-1014; gr-qc/9705059.
  65.  C Rovelli: ``Loop Quantum Gravity'' Living Reviews in Relativity (refereed electronic journal), invited review paper. Articles/Volume1/1998-1rovelli; gr-qc/9709008.
  66.  C Rovelli: `` `Incerto tempore, incertisque loci' : Can we compute the exact time at which the quantum measurement happens?'' Foundations of Physics, 28 (1998) 1031-1043; quant-ph/9802020
  67.  G Landi, C Rovelli: ``Gravity from Dirac Eigenvalues'' Modern Physics Letters A13 (1998) 479-494; gr-qc/9708041
  68.  C Rovelli: ``What is a gauge transformation in quantum mechanics?'' Physical Review Letters 80 (1998) 4613; gr-qc/9711028
  69.  C Rovelli: ``Strings, loops and others: a critical survey of the present approaches to quantum gravity'' inGravitation and Relativity: At the turn of the Millenium, N Dadhich J Narlikar eds, pg 281-331 (Inter-University centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune 1998); gr-qc/9803024.
  70.  M Montesinos, C Rovelli: ``The fermionic contribution to the spectrum of the area operator in nonperturbative quantum gravity'' Classical and Quantum Gravity, 15 (1998) 3795-3801; gr-qc/9806120.
  71.  C Rovelli and P Upadhya: ``Loop quantum gravity and quanta of space: a primer'' gr-qc/9806079.
  72.  C Rovelli: ``The projector on physical states in loop quantum gravity'' Physical Review D59 (1999) 104015; gr-qc/9806121.
  73.  M Montesinos, Carlo Rovelli and Thomas Thiemann: ``An SL (2,R) model of constrained systems with two hamiltonian constraints'' Physical Review D60 (1999) 044009; gr-qc/9901073.
  74.  C Rovelli: ``Quantum Spacetime: what do we know?'' in <#48#>Physics meets Philosophy at the Planck length<#48#>, C Callender N Hugget eds, Cambridge University Press 1999; gr-qc/9903045.
  75.  C Rovelli: ``Erratum: What is a gauge transformation in quantum mechanics?'' Physical Review Letters 81 (1998) 4530.
  76.  C Rovelli: ``Spectral noncommutative geometry and quantization: a simple example'' gr-qc/9904029.
  77.  J Louko, C Rovelli: ``Refined Algebraic Quantization in the oscillator representation of SL(2,R)'' Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (2000) 132-155; gr-qc/9907004.
  78.  C Rovelli: ``Spectral noncommutative geometry and quantization'' Physical Review Letters, 83 (1999) 1079.
  79.  R DePietri, L Freidel, K Krasnov, C Rovelli: ``Barret-Crane model from a Boulatov-Ooguri field theory over a homogeneous space'', Nuclear Physics, to appear; hep-th/9907154.
  80.  C Rovelli: ``The century of the incomplete revolution: searching for general relativistic quantum field theory'' Journal of Mathematical Physics, Special Issue 2000; invited contribution; hep-th/9910131.
  81.  M Gaul, C Rovelli: ``Loop Quantum Gravity and the Meaning of Diffeomorphism Invariance'' Lectures given at the 35th Karpacz Winter School on Theoretical Physics: From Cosmology to Quantum Gravity; gr-qc/9910079.
  82.  M Montesinos, C Rovelli: ``Statistical mechanics of generally covariant quantum theories: A Boltzmann-like approach"; gr-qc/0002024.
  83.  M Reisenberger, C Rovelli: ``Spin foams as Feynman diagrams"; gr-qc/0002083.
  84.  M Reisenberger, C Rovelli: ``Spacetime as a Feynmann diagram: the connection formulation"; gr-qc/0002095.
  85. Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli:  ``A spin foam model without bubble divergences"Nuclear Physics B599 (2001) 255-282; gr-qc/0006107.
  86. Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli:  ``Spin foam model for Lorentzian General Relativity", Phys Rev D63 (2001) 041501, gr-qc/0009021.
  87. Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli:  ``3+1 spinfoam model of quantum gravity with spacelike and timelike components", Submitted to Physical Review D; gr-qc/0011037.
  88. Marcus Gaul, Carlo Rovelli:  ``A generalized Hamiltonian Constraint Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity and its simplest Euclidean Matrix Elements", Class and Quant Grav 18 (2001) 1593-1624; gr-qc/0011106.
  89. Richard Levine, Carlo Rovelli:  ``Length versus time-interval discreteness in 2+1 Lorentzian canonical quantum gravity".
  90. Louis Crane, Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli: ``A finiteness proof for the Lorentzian state sum spinfoam model for quantum general relativity", gr-qc/0101088.
  91. Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli: ``Observables in quantum gravity",gr-qc/0104034.
  92. Richard Livine, Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli: ``2d manifold-independent spinfoam theory", gr-qc/0102051.
  93. Carlo Rovelli: ``Partial observables", gr-qc/0110035.
  94. Carlo Rovelli:  ``A note on the foundation of relativistic mechanics.  I: Relativistic observables and relativistic states",    gr-qc/0111037.
  95. Carlo Rovelli: ``GPS observables in general relativity", Physical Review D65 (2002) 044017.
  96. Michael Reisenberger, Carlo Rovelli: ``Spacetime states and covariant quantum theory", gr-qc/0111016.
  97. Louis Crane, Alejandro Perez, Carlo Rovelli: ``Finiteness in spinfoam quantum gravity", Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 181301.
  98. Don Marolf, Carlo Rovelli: ``Relativistic quantum measurement",  gr-qc/0203056.
  99. C Rovelli: ``A note on the foundation of relativistic mechanics.  II: Covariant hamiltonian general relativity", gr-qc/0202079.

Some invited talks at international conferences (not updated)

  1. ``The Dynamics of loop quantum gravity'' Invited lecture at the Conference on Strong Gravitational Fields, ITP Santa Barbara, June 1999.
  2.  ``Quantum Spacetime'' Invited lecture at the American Physical Society meeting, Columbus, Ohio, April 1998
  3.  ``Spin foam models'' Invited lecture at the American Mathematical Society meeting, Baltimore, January 1998
  4.  ``Quantum Gravity'' Plenary Lecture at the GR15, Puna, India, December 1997
  5.  ``Loops'' Meeting on quantum gravity, Bangalore, December 1998
  6.  ``Black hole entropy from loop quantum gravity'' Marcel Grossman 8, Jerusalem, June 1997
  7.  ``General relativity in terms of Dirac eigenvalues'' Marcel Grossman 8, Jerusalem, June 1997
  8.  ``The problem of time in quantum gravity'' Invited talk at the ``Marcel Grossman 8'', Jerusalem, June 1997
  9.  ``Spacetime Quantum Geometry'' Invited speaker at the ``2nd Workshop on Quantum Gravity'', Warsaw, Poland, June 1997
  10.  ``Black hole entropy from first principles'' Plenary lecture at the International Conference on ``Constrained systems and Quantum Gravity'', Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 1996
  11.  ``Recoupling theory in Quantum Gravity" Plenary lecture at the ``Journeées Relativistes", Ascona, Switzerland, May 1995
  12.  ``Is there any view of spacetime compatible with today's physics?" Invited speaker (panelist) at the 1996 International Fellows Conference of the Center for Philosophy of Science, Castiglioncello, May 1996
  13.  ``Localization in Quantum Field Theory: Which aspects or Quantum Field Theory are compatible with what we know about spacetime?" Invited speaker at the 1996 Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science: ``Reflections on the Foundations of Quantum Field theory", Boston Center for the Philosophy of Science, Boston, March 1996.
  14.  ``The role of constrained systems theory in fundamental physics" Conference overview and closing remarks at the "Topical meeting on constrained systems and Quantum Gravity", Dubna, Russia, July 1995.
  15.  ``Loop Representation, recent results" Invited plenary talk at the ``Topical meeting on constrained systems and Quantum Gravity", Dubna, Russia, July 1995.
  16.  ``Evolution in nonperturbative quantum gravity", 3 lectures Workshop on Canonical and Quantum Gravity, Stephen Banach Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, May 1995.
  17.  ``Hamilton-Jacobi theory for constrained systems and gauge invariant degrees of freedom in general relativity and Yang-Mills theory" ``Constraint Theory and Quantization Methods", Siena, Italy August 1994. Proceedings: Eds F Colomo, L Lusanna G Marmo, page 401, World Scientific 1994
  18.  ``Canonical Quantum General Relativity" Meeting on Quantum Gravity, Newton Institute, Cambridge, England, July 1994
  19.  ``Half way through the woods" Center for the Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh, Lecture Annual Series, December 1993.
  20.  ``A prediction from Quantum Gravity" IInd Texas/Pascos International conference on High-Energy Physics and Astrophysics, Berkeley, California, 12-16 December 1992
  21.  ``A Physical Prediction from Quantum Gravity" Congresso nazionale di Relativita' Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Bardonecchia, Italia, 2-5 September 1992
  22.  ``The complete set of canonical diffeomorphism invariant observables of General Relativity" GR13, Cordoba, Argentina, 26-30 June 1992
  23.  ``Time from Thermodynamics?" GR13, Cordoba, Argentina, 26-30 June 1992
  24.  ``Canonical classical and quantum gravity" Series of lectures, Workshop on Gravitation, Cochin, India, December 1991
  25.  ``Narada's Quest: \ Conceptual problems and present approaches to Quantum Gravity'' International conference of Gravitation and Cosmology, Amedabhad, India, December 1991. Published in ``Advances in gravitation and cosmology", eds B R Iyer, A R Prasanna R K Varma C V Vishveshwara, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi 1993
  26.  ``Solutions of the Wheeler DeWitt equation" Journees Relativistes, Cargese, Corsica, May 1991
  27.  ``Gravitoni e ricami" Congresso nazionale di Relativita' Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Capri, Italia, September 1990
  28.  ``Canonical Quantum Gravity" International Workshop on Gravitation, Banff, Canada, August 1990
  29.  ``Holonomies and quantum gravity" Recent advances in general relativity, Pittsburgh, May 1990. Published in Recent advances in General Relativity, eds A I Janis and J R Porter, Birkhauser, Boston 1991
  30.  ``Loop Representation in Quantum Gravity'' 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, July 1989
  31.  ``Knots are fundamental states of quantum gravity" Twelfth John Hopkins workshop on current problems in high energy particle theory, Firenze 1989
  32.  ``The Transform Approach to the Loop Representation" Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Cavalese, Italy August 1988
  33.  ``Is there incompatibility between the ways time is treated in general relativity and in standard quantum mechanics?'' Osgood Hill conference on conceptual problems of quantum gravity, Boston 1988 Published in Conceptual problems of quantum gravity, op. cit.
  34.  ``Loop representation in quantum gravity, the transform approach" Osgood Hill conference on conceptual problems of quantum gravity, Boston 1988 Published in "Conceptual problems of quantum gravity" Eds A Ashtekar and J Stachel (Birkhauser, New York, 1991)
  35.  ``A new approach to quantum gravity" International conference on General Relativity and Cosmology, Goa, India 1987

Some seminars (not updated)

  1. ``Loop Quantum Gravity'' CERN, Genève, January 2000.
  2.  ``Non perturbative quantum gravity'' Cornell University Colloqium, September 1999.
  3.  ``Osservabilita' in Relativita' Generale'' Universita' di Parma, Parma, May 1999.
  4.  ``Quantum Spacetime'' Fondation Louis De Broglie lecture series. Institute Henry Poincare', Paris May 1999.
  5.  ``Integration over Lapse and Dynamics'' Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, Penn State University, December 1998.
  6.  ``Spin Foam models'' Department of Physics, University of Pittsburgh, December 1998.
  7.  ``Quantum Spacetime'' Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS-Luminy, France, November 1998.
  8.  ``The Area operator'' Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS-Luminy, France, November 1998.
  9.  ``Incerto Tempore, Incertisque Locis'' Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh, April 1998.
  10.  ``Loop quantum gravity'' Caltech, March 1997.
  11.  ``Sum over surfaces'' Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, March 1997
  12.  ``The Issue of Time in Quantum Gravity'' Department of Physics, University of Roma. February 1997.
  13.  ``Black Hole Entropy'' SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
  14.  ``Black Hole Entropy'' Dipartimento di fisica, Universita' di Pisa, Italy.
  15.  ``Non-perturbative Quantum Gravity'' Cycle of 4 lectures at the University of Rome, Italy. January 1997
  16.  ``Relational Quantum Mechanics'' Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario. London, Canada. December 1996
  17.  ``Physics with Quantum Gravity'' University of Western Ontario. London, Canada. December 1996.
  18.  ``Black Hole Physics'' University of Waterloo. Ontario, Canada. December 1996.
  19.  ``Sum over surfaces form of quantum gravity'' Center for Gravitational physics and geometry - Penn State. October 1997.
  20.  ``Loop Quantum Gravity" Albert Einstein Institute - Potsdam. Berlin, August 1996.
  21.  ``Entropy of Black Holes from the Spectrum of the Area" Erwin Schrödinger Institute. Vienna, July 1996
  22.  ``Black Hole Thermodynamics from Quantum Gravity", University of Berne, May 1996
  23.  ``Loop Quantum Gravity", Universita' di Padova, May 1996
  24.  ``Non perturbative quantum gravity; status and perspectives", Universite' de Marseille, Luminy, France, June 1995
  25.  ``Risultati recenti in gravita' non perturbativa", Universita' di Trento, Italy, May 1995
  26.  ``C* Algebras and the Origin of Time", Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, Penn State, Usa, November 1994
  27.  ``Generally covariant quantum field theory", Max Planck Institute, Münich, Germany, November 1994
  28.  ``The Loop Representation of Quantum Gravity", Institute Isaac Newton, Cambridge, England, February 1994
  29.  ``Quantum Gravity", University of Oxford, England, February 1994
  30.  ``On the Ponzano-Regge model", University of Nottingham, England, February 1994
  31.  ``The Loop Representation of Quantum Gravity", Imperial College, London England, January 1994
  32.  ``Physical Hamiltonian in Quantum Gravity", University of Maryland, October 1993
  33.  ``What does present days physics tell us about Time and Space ?", Annual Lecture at the Center for the Philosophy of Science Pittsburgh University, 16 September 1993
  34.  ``The recent developments in Quantum gravity", University of Chicago Chicago, 16 April 1993
  35.  ``Quantum Gravity in the Loop Representation and Microstructure of space-time", Princeton University, Princeton USA, 21 February 92
  36.  ``A non-perturbative approach to Quantum Gravity", Instituto de Pesquetas Fisicas, Rio di Janeiro, Brasile 18 July 1992
  37.  ``A Generally covariant quantum field theory", Syracuse University, Syracuse, NewYork, USA 15 September 1992
  38.  ``The Hamilton-Jacobi solutions of General Relativity", University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, 12 April 1992
  39.  ``Knots and Quantum Geometry", Foundations of Physics-meeting, Sarasota, Florida, USA, 22 March 1992
  40.  ``Loop Representation of quantum gravity", Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, 26 May 1992

Other scientific production

  1. C Rovelli: ``Teoria dei Campi nello Spazio dei Sistemi di Riferimento" Thesis Bologna 1981
  2.  E Omerti, C Rovelli: ``A lattice formulation of the interacting Boson gas" Unpublished, 1983
  3.  C Rovelli: ``Fantasmi nelle teorie gravitazionali con un campo scalare" Atti del VI convegno nazionale di Relativita' Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione Firenze 1984
  4.  C Rovelli: ``Diffeomorphisms invariance in canonical General Relativity and in Quantum Gravity" Acts of the GR11, Stockholm 1986
  5.  C Rovelli: ``Superconduttori in campi gravitazionali relativistici" Unpublished, 1986
  6.  C Rovelli: ``Two new Lagrangians for general relativity" Unpublished, 1986
  7.  C Rovelli: ``Continuous tensor products in Quantum Gravity" Atti del VII convegno nazionale di Relativita' Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Rapallo, 1986
  8.  M Cerdonio, GA Prodi, C Rovelli, S Vitale: ``Feasibility of Laboratory detection of rotation-like gravitational fields" Acts of the GR11, Stockholm 1986
  9.  C Rovelli: ``Sulla quantizzazione della teoria della gravita'", Ph D Thesis, Trento, 1987
  10.  C Rovelli: ``Time in quantum gravity" Rome University preprint, unpublished, March 1988
  11.  C Rovelli, L Smolin: ``Loop representation for Yang Mills theories: Lattice'' Syracuse University preprint, unpublished (1989)
  12.  C Rovelli: ``Loop representation for Yang Mills theories: Continuum'' University of Roma preprint, unpublished (1989)



  1.  General Relativity 1
  2.  General Relativity 2
  3.  Classical and Quantum Canonical General Relativity
  4.  Quantum Gravity
  5.  Cosmology
  6.  Astronomy
  7.  Introductory Quantum Mechanics
  8.  Introductory Physics for Scientists and Engineers 1
  9.  Introductory Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2
  10.  Introductory Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3
  11.  Introductory Physics for non science majors 1
  12.  Introductory Physics for non science majors 2
  13.  Physics of Music
  14.  Meccanica Razionale
  15.  Mècanique quantique
  16.  Introduction à la mècanique quantique
Ph.D.Thesis supervised
  1. Jose` Balduz (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh).  Completed November 1994; Dynamical Model of Quantum Measurement;
  2.  Hugo Morales-Tecotl (SISSA, Trieste). Completed August 1993;  Fermions in the Loop Representation
  3.  Junichi Iwasaki (University of Pittsburgh).  Completed January 1994 ;  The Linearization of Quantum gravity;
  4.  Norbert Grott (University of Pittsburgh). Completed April 1998 ;  Moduli spaces in intersecting Knot Theory;
  5.  Marcelo Bareira (University of Pittsburgh) ; Black hole emission spectra
  6.  Bill Curry (University of Pittsburgh) ;  The relational interpretation of quantum mechanics;
  7.  Peush Upadhya (University of Pittsburgh) ;  Loop quantum gravity; Marseille, Jannuary 29th, 2000
  8.  Alejandro Perez (University of Cordoba and Pittsburgh) ; Spin foam models. Completed May 2001.
  9.  Cedric Dohr (Universite' de Marseille II) ; Loop Quantum Gravity.
  10.  Daniele Colosi  (Universite' de Marseille II) ; 2D spin foams
  11.  Richard Livine  (Universite' de Marseille II) ;  Lorentzian spin foams



    Encyclopedias where my work is featured

    1. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1991 Yearbook of Science and Technology
    2. Enciclopedia Treccani, voce ``Spaziotempo", Aggiornamento
    3. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, entry: ``Relational quantum mechanics"   

    Some popularization articles on my work

    1. The New York Times, ``How is the Univers built? Grain by grain", 12/7/99
    2. International Herald Tribune, ``Turn down that web, these scientists plead, so we can think", 6/20/01
    3. Science Magazine, ``Constructing spacetime, no string attached", 8/11/2002
    4. Science news, ``Loops of Gravity", 6/22/2002
    5. Science Magazine, ``The beginning of time", 3/22/200

    Science fiction books making extensive reference to my work

    1. ``Blue Mars", by Kim Staneley Robinson (Bantam, New Yok, 1996)
    2. ``Schild Ladder", by Greg Egan (Gollancz, London 2001)

                                                                          Marseille, March 21, 2002.