XIème Ecole de Cosmologie
17 - 22 septembre 2012 IESC, Cargèse
Lentilles gravitationnelles
leur impact dans l’étude des galaxie et la cosmologie

Weak lensing by large-scale structures: theory

Cristiano PORCIANI
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie


  1. Light-propagation in a (mildly) inhomogeneous universe
  2. Born approximation
  3. Cosmic shear
  4. Cosmological lensing potential
  5. Mathematical description of spin-weight 2 fields and their 2-point statistics: E- and B-modes
  6. Limber approximation
  7. Non-linear matter power spectrum and halo model




    • "Weak gravitational lensing", M. Bartelmann & P. Schneider, Phys. Rep. (2001), 291-472
    • Cosmology with gravitational lensing", A. Heavens, "http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1109.1121
    • "Weak gravitational lensing and its cosmological applications", H. Hoekstra & B. Jain, http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0805.0139
    • "Weak gravitational lensing" P. Schneider, (Saas-Fee lectures), http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0509252
    • "Gravitational lensing by large-scale structures: a review", L. van Waerbeke & Y. Mellier, 2003,  http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0305089
