XIème Ecole de Cosmologie
17 - 22 septembre 2012 IESC, Cargèse
Lentilles gravitationnelles
leur impact dans l’étude des galaxie et la cosmologie

Effect of Non-linear structure and Baryons in Shear Power Spectrum

Sanghamitra DEB
Argonne National Laboratory


Résumé : The Cosmic Shear Power Spectrum (CSPS) probes the growth and distribution of matter using the deflection of light by the web of large scale structure in the universe . Future and ongoing surveys such as DES, LSST and EUCLID will measure the CSPS at angular scales as small as an arcminute. In order to interpret the results and compute the cosmological parameters we need accurate prediction of the 3D matter power spectrum at non-linear scales. We will describe our approach based on the Coyote Universe Emulator that has been shown to predict the three dimensional dark matter power spectrum to percent level accuracy down to the non-linear scales relevant for lensing. Small scales are also dominated by baryonic matter which are not captured in N-body gravity only simulations. We will also explore modeling baryons using semi-analytic approaches and the corresponding biases in the Shear Power Spectrum.

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