XIème Ecole de Cosmologie
17 - 22 septembre 2012 IESC, Cargèse
Lentilles gravitationnelles
leur impact dans l’étude des galaxie et la cosmologie

Translations in Relative Locality

Niccolò LORET
Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'


Résumé : In this talk we will try to introduce the analysis of cosmological observables as a suitable arena for Relative Locality phenomenology. One of the fundamental aspects of General Relativity is that two different observers on two different hypersurfaces describe spacetime with two distinct sets of coordinates, and, thus, they give different coordinatizations of the same spacetime. Relative Locality is a relativistic theory that implements systematic nonlocalities that can emerge in many different approaches to the problem of Quantum Gravity. In this theory, locality is no longer absolute, as codified in a novel way to mathematically express translations between the two hypersurfaces. We will give an explicit example of signal analysis and related phenomenology on cosmological observables, with relative locality spacetime metric, mathematically modelized on kappa-Minkowski deformed spacetime transformations.

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    • G.Amelino-Camelia, N.Loret, L.Barcaroli, work in progress
