XIème Ecole de Cosmologie
17 - 22 septembre 2012 IESC, Cargèse
Lentilles gravitationnelles
leur impact dans l’étude des galaxie et la cosmologie

Lensing Constraints on Galaxy Cluster Mass and Structure

Graham SMITH
Astrophysics & Space Research Group - University of Birmingham


  1. Motivation for measuring the mass and structure of galaxy clusters
  2. Strong- and weak-lensing as probes of cluster mass and structure
  3. Comparing and combining lensing with other mass measurement techniques
  4. Overview of recent results and future opportunities


I will review the cosmological and astrophysical motivations for measuring the mass and internal structure of galaxy clusters, including probing dark energy, the nature of dark matter, and the environment of galaxies within/surrounding clusters.  I will also present the theoretical, observational, and modeling details of several lensing-based measurement techniques, including the "simple" mass enclosed within the Einstein radius, parametric modeling techniques, and "non-parametric" methods.  From the early days of lensing-based cluster studies, lensing mass measurements have been compared with results from other techniques, at times creating great controversy.  I will review these comparisons, and discuss the growing trend towards joint analysis of lensing, X-ray, and dynamical data.  The lectures will close with a summary of major unsolved problems and future opportunities.


    • "Cosmological parameters from observations of galaxy clusters" Allen et al., , ARA&A, 49, 409 (2011)
    • "Cluster lenses"Kneib & Natarajan" A&ARev, 19, 47 (2011)
    • "The dark matter of gravitational lensing"Massey, Kitching, Richard, RPPh, 73, 6901 (2010)
