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Carlo Rovelli

Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy
Case 907, Luminy, F-13288 Marseille, EU
Office Number: 423
e-mail:  rovelli@cpt.univ-mrs.fr

Phone +33 (0) 6 14 59 38 85,  +39 348 22 51 583
Fax:    +33 (0) 4 91 26 95 53 

Director of the quantum gravity group ("équipe de gravité quantique") of the CPT (équipe de gravité quantique webpage). 

(See the group webpage for informations on postdoc and PhD positions in Marseille).

Director of the Samy Maroun Research Center for Time, Space and the Quantum.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf, updated 2015)

Publications (From the ArXiv archives)



"Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity", by Francesca Vidotto and myself,

or: "What you always wanted to know about LQG and never dared ask!"

Simple, straightforward introduction to LQG.

Here the link to the CUP site ( £ 37.50)

Here the link to the Amazon.com site ($ 58.00 )

Here the Kindle edition ($ 37.49 )

Now translated in English

Traduit en Français


Lezioni English version Sept

English version: Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (Penguin)

French version: Sept brèves leçons de physique (Odile Jacobe)

Italian version: Sette brevi lezioni di fisica (Adelphi)

Racconto in maniera semplice la fisica fondamentale del Novecento e attuale.



"La realtà non è come ci appare" (Cortina), in italiano.

(qui link al sito ibs per acquistarlo online)

Online "introductory lectures on loop quantum gravity", on the Perimeter Institute website.

Here (Pirsa Server)

A good introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity.

"Anassimandro a Cenci ", in italiano.

Qui c'è il video (Youtube)

Una chiacchierata su Anassimandro, e la scienza, in un luogo magico.

La mia "Lecture Magistralis", dal titolo "Cos'è la scienza?" al Festival della Scienza di Genova, in italiano.

Qui c'è il video (dal sito del festival)

Parlo di Anassimandro, di gravità quantistica, della natura della scienza, e del conflitto fra scienza e religione.

Recent lecture on Loop Quantum Gravity

This is an mp4 video (now it works, previosuly the link was broken) of the lecture I have given at the LOOPS 11 conference in Madrid (May 2011).

I give an overview of the theory, after the momentous developments and the results of the last few years.

La vera storia di come Terra ha compreso se stessa rispecchiandosi nella Luna

Presentazione pubblica alla Basilica di Massenzio, a Roma, per il "Festival delle Letterature" (con musica e immagini).

"Quantum Gravity"

The book  "Quantum Gravity", is a complete introduction to the the problems raised by the attempts to understand quantum spacetime
and to the loop approach to quantum gravity.
It is published by Cambridge University Press.
Here is the CUP catalog webpage of the book.   Here is a list of Errata for the book.  I am grateful for indications of any other mistake.

Reviews of the book can be found on the Amazon.com page of the book (where you can buy the book) and on chronon.org.

"Cos'è il tempo? Cos'è lo spazio?"

Short popular-science booklet:  "Cos'è lo spazio?  Cos'è il tempo?",  published in Italian with Di Renzo editore.    Catalog webpage of the book
An English version has been published by  Di Renzo editore.   Catalog webpage of the book.
A French version, largely expanded, has been published by  Bernard Gilson editeur.   Catalog webpage of the book
The French version can be here on Amazon.fr, or the site of the FNAC

Italiano: Breve testo di divulgazione scientifica:  "Cos'è lo spazio?  Cos'è il tempo?",  pubblicato in italiano da  Di Renzo editorePagina del catalogo online.

Français: Un bref livre de popularisation a été publié par  Bernard Gilson éditeur.   Page web du catalogue de l'éditeur
Le livre peut être commandé en ligne ici sur Amazon.fr, ou sur le site de la FNAC

"Anassimandro di Mileto" 

The book "Anassimandro di Mileto" is about the ancient Greek philosopher Anaximander, and is a reflection on the nature of scientific thinking. 

New : It is published in French: Anaximandre de Milet, ou la naissance de la pensée scienifique, Dunod, 2009.
It can be found here on Amazon.fr.

In English: it can be ordered here on Amazon.com

In Italian: it can be ordered here, at Ibis.it

New : The book will appear also in Portugese (Loyola Publisher) and in Greek (Yannou editions).

Italiano: Il libro "Anassimandro di Mileto" parla dell'antico filosofo greco Anassimandro, ed è una riflessione sulla natura del pensiero scientifico.
E' scritto in italiano. 

New : Il libro è pubblicato da Mondadori Università. Può essere ordinato qui, a Ibis.it

CD and livre numerique "Temps et Espace" 

A two hours conversation on the historical evolution of the concepts of time and space has been recorded by the the editor De Vive Voix, and published as a CD, as well as an Ebook.   They are available here: CDEbook.

Une conversation de deux heures, en français, sur l'évolution des notions d'espace et de temps a été enregistrée par l'editeur
De Vive Voix,
et publiée en CD, aussi bien que comme livre numérique. On peut trouver les deux ici:  CDLivre numerique.

Conférences grand publique online

Français: Conférence grand public, en français, La gravité quantique: quand l'espace et le temps n'existent plus  Cité de la Science, la Villette, cicle "Einstein et sa postérité" , Paris 2005.

Marseille 2005: Loop and Spinfoam conference (technical, in English).  (Also:  List of participants to the conference, with email addresses,   Panel discussion questions, Pictures of the conference.)


Loop and Spinfoam conference webpage,  Marseille 2004.  Also:  List of participants to the conference, with email addresses,
Panel discussion questions, Pictures of the conference.

Video of talk  

 My general talk on Loop Quantum Gravity, at the STRING 08 conference in Geneve, from the CERN website.

Alain Connes tells the story of our meeting

  La rencontre avec Alain Connes

Some talks

1. "Graviton propagator from Loop Quantum Gravity", slides (2.3M) of my tuesday September 26th 2006 telephone-seminar at the ILQGS (International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar).

2. Slides of a talk (at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) giving a general presentation of Loop Quantum Gravity: in pdf (1.1 Mb), and (the original version) keynote (1.3 Mb).

3. On the computation of n-point functions in quantum gravity:  Here is a video (the first 20 seconds are silent, but then the sound appears), and here are the slides. This was at the Loop05 conference in Potsdam.

The center of my research interest is in quantum gravity.   A comprehensive review article on loop quantum gravity has appeared on the electronic journal " Living Reviews in Relativity". You can find the article on here.    You can get an (old) short live description of what I do here.

Interview on ARTE

A long interview,  discussing aspects of the scientific research, can be found on the online site of the ARTE television chanel.

Course "la Naissance de la Science"

Webpage of the new course La Naissance de la Science (The birth of Science) that I am giving at the Université de la Médtiérranée.

Images of loop quantum gravity
Here is an image of a three-dimensional model giving an intuitive picture of the "loopy" structure of space predicted by loop quantum gravity at very short scale.     Here is another pretty loop-quantum-gravity image.  It appeared in a 1993 Discover magazine article on loop quantum gravity.

Recent talks:
Marcel Grossmann 2012:   My conference on Black Hole entropy
Marcel Grossmann 2012:   My conference on Covariant LQG

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Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy