École de Cosmologie - XII
La formation des structures après Planck

Cours & Séminaires & Posters


First cosmological results from the Planck satellite - Alain RIAZUELO 
Slow-roll inflation at the era of precision cosmology  - Christophe RINGEVAL

Bayesian inference and model selection - Roberto TROTTA 
Large-Scale Structure Observations - Will PERCIVAL 
Cosmic Strings: from theoretical motivations to cosmological signatures - Christophe RINGEVAL 
Averaging Inhomogeneous Cosmologies - Thomas BUCHERT 
Introduction to massive gravity  - Cédric DEFFAYET 
Bouncing universe models  - Patrick PETER 
Modeling the structure formation in their cosmic web - Christophe PICHON 
Quantum Universe - Slava MUKHANOV 
The birth of Cosmology as a Science - Ugo MOSCHELLA 
Observations and searches for candidates - Pierre SALATI 


From dynamical models to cosmological observables - Orest HRYCYNA 
The nonlinear power spectrum of general Dark Energy models - Santiago CASAS 
Viable cosmological solutions in massive bimetric gravity - Frank KOENNIG 
Stochastic Field Theory for Structure Formation - Florian FUEHRE  
How the cosmic web induces galaxy intrinsic alignments - Sandrine CODIS  
Building up along cosmic filaments: accretion and mergers on galactic spins - Charlotte WELKER 
Non-Gaussianity within SKA Large Scale Structure Observations - Mahmoud HASHIM 
Estimating masses of dwarf spheroidal galaxies - Klaudia KOWALCZYK  

    ** Cours **

    First cosmological results from the Planck satellite (pdf) Alain RIAZUELO, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)

    Résumé Planck is an ESA medium-sized mission devoted to study in detail the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. Although the universe is in a quite inhomogeneous state today, it originates from a much smoother configuration that progressively became more and more irregular as gravitational instability developped. Since the CMB essentially shows
    a picture of the matter distribution at an early epoch (370,000 years after BBN), the temperature fluctuations it contains are extremely small and hence difficult to measure accurately.

    I will shortly review some historical aspects of CMB studies, and then
    focus on the main steps of the Planck data analysis that allow to go
    time ordered data to frequency maps, component separated maps and
    finally cosmological parameter estimation.

    The subteltites of how parameters are estimated (rather than measured) will be presented, as well as the status of the now canonical "corcordance model", i.e. the six parameter cosmological model that beautifully fits the CMB as well as many other astrophysical data.

    Apart from this concordance model, many signatures from various new, expected or hoped for phenomena can possibly be detected by Planck. I will review the constraints we have on them.  Another interesting aspect of CMB observation is that it allows to directly probe the matter distribution in the Universe, either from the spatial distortion of the CMB map that dark matter induces, or from the spectral distortion, thus providing new, independent and convincing tests of the concordance model.

    Finally, I will discuss some aspects of the the BICEP2 claim of detection of primordial gravitational waves signature on CMB polarization and present some of the possible next steps of CMB studies.

    • arXiv:1303.5072, Planck 2013 results. XII. Component separation
    • arXiv:1303.5076, Planck 2013 results. XVI. Cosmological parameters
    • arXiv:1303.5077, Planck 2013 results. XVII. Gravitational lensing by large-scale structure
    • arXiv:1303.5078, Planck 2013 results. XVIII. Gravitational lensing-infrared background correlation
    • arXiv:1303.5079, Planck 2013 results. XIX. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
    • arXiv:1303.5083, Planck 2013 results. XXIII. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB

    Slow-roll inflation at the era of precision cosmology (pdf)Christophe RINGEVAL, Université catholique de Louvain

    Résumé : None

    Bayesian inference and model selection (pdf1, pdf2) Roberto TROTTA, Imperial College London

    1. Principle of probability
    2. Classical statistics vs Bayesian
    3. Likelihood, prior and posterior
    4. Bayes theorem: meaning and application
    5. Bayesian inference
    1. MCMC
    2. Hierarchical models
    3. Bayesian model selection: theory
    4. Bayesian model selection vs hypothesis testingensing basics

    Résumé : These lectures will give a short introduction to the fundamentals of Bayesian inference and its application to simple but representative problems. Numerical methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo will be introduced and their practical workings illustrated. The Bayesian approach to model selection via Bayesian model comparison will be explained and contrasted with Frequentist hypothesis testing.


    • Theory and philosophy of Bayesian vs Frequentist framework:
      • "Bayes in the sky: Bayesian inference and model selection in cosmology"
        R. Trotta (2008) Invited review, Contemporary Physics, 49, No. 2, March-April 2008, 71-104 http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.4089 Section 2
      • G. Cowan, Physics Today, 82, 2007 http://www.pp.rhul.ac.uk/~cowan/stat/GDCPhysicsToday.pdf
      • "Why isn't every physicist a Bayesian?"
        Robert D. Cousins, (UCLA) . UCLA-HEP-94-005, Sep 1994. 27pp. Published in Am.J.Phys.63:398,1995. http://ajp.aapt.org/resource/1/ajpias/v63/i5/p398_s1
      • Philosophy and practice of Bayesian statistics: Gelman & Shalizi, 2011 (unpublished) http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/unpublished/philosophy.pdf
    • Likelihood etc:
      • "Bayesian logical data analysis for the physical sciences"
        P. Gregory, CUP (2003)
      • Probability and Measurement Uncertainty in Physics - a Bayesian Primer
        G. D’Agostini,(1995), hep-ph/9512295 available here: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9512295
    • Bayesian methods in astronomy:
      • Tom Loredo’s Bayesian papers: http://www.astro.cornell.edu/staff/loredo/bayes/tjl.html
    • Further reading:
      • "Probability Theory: The Logic of Science"
        E.T. Jaynes, CUP (2003)
      • "Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms"
        D. MacKay, CUP (2003), available from: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/itila/book.html

    Large-Scale Structure Observations (pdf-1, pdf-2) Will PERCIVAL, ICG University of Portsmouth

    1. Physical underpinning of cosmological measurements from galaxy surveys
    1.    Galaxy survey observations

    Résumé : Galaxy Surveys are enjoying a renaissance thanks to the advent of multi-object spectrographs on ground-based telescopes. This course looks at some of the physical processes that underpin cosmological measurements, the evolution of measurements themselves, and looks ahead to the next 15 years and the advent of surveys such as the enhanced Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and the ESA Euclid satellite mission.

    • The lecture e will be an updated and edited from the material covered by the following notes:
      • "Large Scale Structure Observations"
        Will J. Percival (2013) http://arxiv.org/abs//1312.5490

    Cosmic Strings: from theoretical motivations to cosmological signatures (pdf) Christophe RINGEVAL, Université catholique de Louvain

    Résumé : None
    Bibliographie :
    • "Cosmic strings and their induced non-Gaussianities in the cosmic microwave background", Christophe Ringeval,  http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/1005.4842

    Averaging Inhomogeneous Cosmologies (pptx) Thomas BUCHERT, Université Lyon 1 (CRAL)

    1. Averaging in Newtonian Cosmology
    1. Averaging in Relativistic Cosmology

    Résumé : In this course we address the averaging problem both in Newtonian Cosmology and in Relativistic Cosmology. We introduce in each theory the basic equations and propose to spatially average the scalar parts of the general equations without further restricting the problem. The result are effective cosmological equations that are discussed with respect to a number of aspects:
    1. Non-commutativity of averaging and time-evolution
    2. Backreaction terms
    3. Integral properties of Newtonian models and their relation to morphological measures
    4. Newton’s iron sphere theorem
    5. The architecture of numerical simulations in cosmology
    6. Coupling of matter inhomogeneities to intrinsic curvature in relativistic models
    7. Relations to information theoretical measures
    8. Relation to scalar field theories
    9. Global gravitational instability and far-from-equilibrium state equations
    10. Cosmological principles and the global topology of the Universe
    11. Examples of averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies and comparison with the standard model of cosmology
    12. Dark Energy and Dark Matter problems

    Bibliographie :
    • "Dark Energy from Structure: A Status Report"
      Thomas Buchert. Gen. Rel. Grav. 40: 467-527, 2008. e–Print: arXiv:0707.2153
    • "Toward physical cosmology: focus on inhomogeneous geometry and its non-perturbative effects"
      Thomas Buchert. Class. Quant. Grav. 28: 164007, 2011. e–Print: arXiv:1103.2016
    • "Backreaction in late–time cosmology"
      Thomas Buchert, Syksy Rasanen. Ann. Rev. Nucl. & Part. Phys. 62: 57, 2012. e–Print: arXiv:1112.5335
    • "Inhomogeneity effects in cosmology"
      George F R Ellis. Class. Quant. Grav. 28, 164001 (2011). e–print: arXiv:1103.2335
    • "Does the growth of structure affect our dynamical models of the Universe? The averaging, backreaction, and fitting problems in cosmology"
      Chris Clarkson, George Ellis, Julien Larena, Obinna Umeh. Rep. Prog. Phys. 74, 112901 (2011). e–print: arXiv:1109.2314
    Lecture Notes can be uploaded here

    Introduction to massive gravity (pdf) Cédric DEFFAYET, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) & Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES)

    1. Introduction: why massive gravity?
    2. From linearized General Relativity to Fierz-Pauli theory
    3. The van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity
    4. Non linear massive gravity, the Vainshtein mechanism and the Boulware Deser ghost.
    1. The Decoupling Limit
    2. de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley theory and its phenomenology
    3. Related models: Galileons, Generalized Galileons and others

    Résumé : I will introduce the general features of "massive gravity theories", a set of theories where the graviton is given a mass with the aim of getting interesting large distance modifications of gravity to be useful in cosmology. Such theories suffer from generic pathologies including the "vDVZ discontinuity" the presence of a ghost like mode (Boulware Deser ghost) and strong interactions in the scalar sector. These will be introduced as well as possible cures, including the Vainshtein mechanism. Related theories (some of which featuring the Vainshtein mechanism) will also be briefly exposed. The lectures will be suitable for beginners.


    • "Massive Gravity" par  Claudia de Rham, arXiv:1401.4173
    • " Theoretical Aspects of Massive Gravity" par Kurt Hinterbichler, Rev.Mod.Phys. 84 (2012), arXiv:1105.3735
    • "An introduction to the Vainshtein mechanism" par Eugeny Babichev, Cédric Deffayet, Class.Quant.Grav. 30 (2013) 184001, arXiv:1304.7240T

    Bouncing universe models (pdf) Patrick PETER, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)

    1. Overview of bouncing models
    • Ekpyrotic and cyclic scenarios
    • Non singular models in string theory
    • Singular models
    • Model zoology
    1. Requirements for a successful bounce
    • Cosmological puzzle resolution
    • The question of shear & the BKL instability
    • The ekpyrotic phase
    1. Cosmological perturbations in the bouncing case
    • Viability of perturbations in a contracting universe
    • A scale-invariant spectrum?
    • Tensor-to-scalar ratio
    • Non gaussianities
    1. A worked-out model
    • Quantum cosmology, Wheeler De Witt and the minisuperspace
    • Bouncing perfect fluid cosmology
    • Perturbations & predictions for the observations.

    Résumé : Alternative to inflationary cosmology have been proposed over the years that almost all involve, in one form or another, a phase of contraction followed by a bounce connecting to our currently expanding universe. These models often need to face theoretical difficulties and predict observable consequences at odd with the available data. In these lectures, I will present the necessary ingredients of a working alternative-to-inflation model, discuss their implementation in terms of field or string theory and examine the above mentioned difficulties. I will try and expose some recent ideas based on quantum cosmology within the framework of which a more satisfactory construction could be done.

    Bibliographie :
    • "The Matter Bounce Alternative to Inflationary Cosmology"
      R. H. Brandenberger - arXiv:1206.4196
    • "Cosmology without inflation"
      P. Peter & N. Pinto-Neto, Phys. Rev. D 78, 063506 (2008) - arXiv:0809.2022
    • "Primordial cosmology"
      P. Peter & J.-P. Uzan, - Oxford University Press (2013)

    Modeling the structure formation in their cosmic web (pdf) Christophe PICHON, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)

    1. Ab inition modeling
    2. Statistics
    1.  Prospective for Astrophysics
    2. Simulation as a branch of computational sciences

    Résumé : Why simulate structure formation ?
    • to understand the effects of non-linear processes
    • to connect the early universe to statistical surveys at low redshifts
    • to validate upcoming instruments via mocks
    • to advance the field of High Performane Computing/ computationnal geometry


    - understand what matters: can we explain what we (think) we see?

    Numerical simulations seek to contrain the nature of the dark matter and designs experiments for its direct detection. Numerical simulations also seek to explore the formation of galaxies including our own Galaxy. The fundamental equations governing the forces between particles and fields in this low-energy regime are fairly well known. They aim to explain cosmic objects we see around us, like galaxies and compact objects (e.g. supermassives black holes). Structure formation involves a complicated blend of gravity, hydrodynamics, nuclear and atomic physics, as well as magnetohydrodynamics and radiation physics. One challenge is  to separate the important from the unimportant, and to find some answers to the many questions that astrophysicists face in contemporary extragalactic astronomy.

    For LSS:
    • expanding background: not everything collapses, but when it does gravity almost always win
    • expanding background: voids repel
    • tdyn~1/√ρ
    • Gaussian ICs: anisotropic collapse: formation of cosmic web

    Concordant model intrinsically statistical: it can only be disproved statistically.
    • make (large) virtual data sets/ surveys
    • validate inverse methods
    • build realistic estimators/ model biases
    • estimate error bars/covariance matrices
    • validate perturbation theory
    • "bias theory (light does not trace DM)
    • "semi-analytic models;properly account for scale coupling/anisotropy
    • allow for visualisation of the effect of complex processes

    - design new instrument: assume everything holds; how well can we measure things from a given incomplete survey?

    LSS as probes of cosmology: Carrying out high-resolution cosmological simulations of different dark energy cosmologies, including also non-standard theories of gravity (e.g. MG) and coupled dark matter-dark energy cosmologies, and to comparing them to the standard ΛCDM model allows us to explore the viability of these theories

    LSS as environment for galaxies : The basis of (dark matter) n-body simulation. Basic concepts of numerical simulations, continuous and discrete simulations.Discretization of ordinary differential equations, integration schemes of different order. N-body problems.
    • dynamics in a expanding universe
    • symplectic integrators
    • multi-scale dynamics
    • Multigrid Poisson solver
    • Cosmological initial conditions
    • Zoom simulations

    Accounting for baryons :
    • Multi-scale hydro-dynamics
    • Optimal discretization of partial differential equations
    • Finite element and finite volume methods
    • Subgrid physics: effective laws
    • Inverse cascade
    • Feedback or not feedback?
    • ISM, ray tracing, dust, magnetic fields, cosmic rays,anisotropic diffusion etc.

    Simulation techniques are used to study cosmic structure formation.In order to allow use of the full power of modern supercomputers, the community develops massive parallel simulation algorithms, and new methods for discretizing the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations,for example on a refining/moving mesh,and sub-grid techniques  that allow multi-physics.
    • Lattice methods
    • Adaptive mesh refinement and multi-grid methods
    • Shock preserving algorithms
    • Multi-timescales
    • Matrix solvers and FFT methods
    • Monte Carlo methods, Markov chains
    • Code validation (!)

    Bibliographie : None

    Quantum Universe (ppt) Slava MUKHANOV, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics (LMU)

    1. The origin of the universe as a quantum phenomenon
    2. The role of quantum fluctuations
    1. The universe structure

    Résumé : I first will discuss the origin of the universe as a quantum phenomenon. Then I will consider the role of quantum fluctuations in this emergent universe and will discuss the robust predictions of the theory of quantum origin of the universe structure.

    Bibliographie :
    • "V.Mukhanov "Physical Foundations of Cosmology" Cambridge UNiversity Press 2005

    The birth of Cosmology as a Science (pdf) Ugo MOSCHELLA, Insubria University

    1. The name is the thing
    2. Einstein’s way
    3. The great debate

    1. The de sitter universe
    2. The Lemaitre-Hubble affaire
    3. The cosmological constant strikes back

    Résumé : I will discuss the birth of cosmology as a science by giving a short account of the Einstein-de Sitter debate. Before doing this I will discuss certain issues related to the very idea of a cosmology by examining the origin of the concept. As a by product I will also provide a short introduction to the de Sitter geometry.

    Bibliographie :
    • A. Einstein, Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, VI. Berlin, 1917
    • W. de Sitter, On the relativity of inertia. Remarks concerning Einstein's latest hypothesis. Proc. Royal Acad. Amsterdam 19, 1217-25 (1917).
    • W. de Sitter, Further Remarks on the Solutions of the Field-Equations of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation. Proc. Royal Acad. Amsterdam 20 II, 1309-12 (1918).
    • W. de Sitter, On the curvature of space. Proc. Royal Acad. Amsterdam , 20 I, 229-243 (1918)
    • A. Friedmann Über die Krümmung des Raumes. Zeitschrift für Physik 10 (1): 377–386. (1922)
    • A. Friedmann, Über die Möglichkeit einer Welt mit konstanter negativer Krümmung des Raumes. Zeitschrift für Physik 21 (1): 326–332. (1924)
    • Abbé G. Lemaître, Un Univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extra-galactiques. Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles, A47, p. 49-59 (1927) (and its english translation)
    • Remi Brague, La Sagesse du monde, Histoire de l’experience humaine de l’univers. Fayard (1999).
    • Christian Smeenk, Einstein's Role in the Creation of Relativistic Cosmology. In: The Cambridge Companion to Einstein. M. Janssen and C. Lehner (Eds.) Cambridge University Press (2004)
    • Michel Janssen, The Einstein-De Sitter Debate and Its Aftermath. Ibidem
     Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4M-9mLrRh0  (in French)

    Observations and searches for candidates  (ppt) Pierre SALATI, Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-vieux de physique théorique (LAPTH) & Univ. de Savoie

    1. Zwicky’s legacy
      1. The historical discovery
      2. Galaxies and clusters of galaxies
      3. Cosmological observations
    2. The bestiary of dark matter species
      1. Following Charles Darwin
      2. The supersymmetric realm
      3. The WIMP miracle
    1. Particle astrophysics and the search for dark matter particles
      1. Direct detection experiments
      2. Indirect searches and cosmic rays
      3. The positron excess
    2. Dark matter searches at the LHC

    Résumé : Large amounts of invisible matter in the universe have been discovered in 1933 when the Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky measured the velocity dispersion of individual galaxies inside the Coma cluster. Zwicky determined for the first time the dynamical mass of that system and obtained a value more than a hundred times larger than the visible counterpart inferred from the luminosity of galaxies. The astronomical dark matter puzzle originates from this measurement. Since then, it has been steadily confirmed by a series of refined observations, performed at very different scales, which I will review in the first chapter. The non-baryonic nature of dark matter is one of the most intriguing results and has been confirmed by the Planck satellite. In the second part, I will concentrate on the bestiary of candidates provided by the theoretical extensions of the standard model of particle physics. After a brief introduction to supersymmetry and Kaluza-Klein theories, I will pay particular attention to the WIMP miracle. Chapter 3 is devoted to the searches for dark matter candidates, with particular emphasis on weakly interacting massive species, dubbed WIMPs. Direct and indirect detections will be reviewed. An excess in the energy distribution of cosmic ray positrons has been discovered in 2008 above 10 GeV, raising the tremendous hope that WIMPs were not just a fantasy. Interpreting that excess as a smoking gun evidence for dark matter particles is very tempting. However, that possibility has by now fallen into disfavor on the basis of arguments which I will discuss. The final part of the lecture deals with the results collected during the first run of the large hadron collider (LHC) and the lack of direct evidence for physics beyond the standard model. I will discuss how this impacts on the models of dark matter and the WIMP properties.

    Bibliographie :
    • For a review on the astronomical evidences for dark matter, see for instance
      • F. Zwicky, Helvetica Physica Acta 6, 110 (1933)
      • http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Sept09/Einasto/frames.html
      • http://www.learner.org/courses/physics/unit/pdfs/unit10.pdf
    • For WIMP production in the early universe, see for instance
      • B. W. Lee and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 165 (1977)
      • P. Binetruy, G. Girardi and P. Salati, Nucl. Phys. B237, 285 (1984)
      • https://lapth.cnrs.fr/micromegas/
    • For direct and indirect searches for dark matter species, see for instance
      • http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.4495.pdf
      • http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/049/009/cargese_009.pdf
      • http://arxiv.org/pdf/1004.1092.pdf
    • For dark matter searches at the LHC, see for instance
      • http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/phenocond/pdf/collider-dm.pdf
      • http://moriond.in2p3.fr/J12/transparencies/14_Wednesday_am/malik.pdf
      • https://kicp-workshops.uchicago.edu/DM-LHC2013/presentations.php

    ** Posters **

    From dynamical models to cosmological observables (pdf) - Orest HRYCYNA, National Centre for Nuclear Research at Varsaw

    Résumé : Dynamical systems methods are used to investigate global behavior of the FRW cosmological models with non-minimally coupled scalar field and constant potential function. We show that the system can be reduced to an autonomous three-dimensional dynamical system and additionally is equipped with an invariant manifold corresponding to an accelerated expansion of the universe.
    Using this invariant manifold we find an exact solution of the reduced dynamics. Cosmological observational data are used to find constraints on the model parameters. Following the Peixoto theorem some conclusions about structural stability are drawn.

    The nonlinear power spectrum of general Dark Energy models (pdf)- Santiago CASAS, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg

    Résumé : We find fitting functions that describe the nonlinear matter power spectrum obtained from the CoDECS N-body simulations in coupled Dark Energy models. The fitting functions are obtained for the case of a constant coupling between DM and DE, and an exponential scalar field potential. Their validity is demonstrated for all available simulations in the redshift range z=0-1.6 and wave modes below k= 10h = Mpc . These formulas can be used in principle to test the predictions of this cDE model in the nonlinear regime without the need for additional computing-intensive N-body simulations. In this paper we use these fitting functions to perform forecasts on the constraining power of future galaxy-redshift surveys on the coupling paramaeter, using the Fisher matrix method for weak lensing and the galaxy power spectrum

    Viable cosmological solutions in massive bimetric gravity (pdf)- Frank KOENNIG, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

    Résumé : We present general conditions of viable cosmological solutions of massive bimetric gravity models and constrain the free parameters by comparing to the Union 2.1 supernovae catalog and linear perturbation observations. We point out that a bimetric model with a single free parameter predicts a simple relation between the equation of state and the density parameter, fits well the supernovae data and is a valid and testable alternative to ΛCDM. Additionally, we identify the conditions for a phantom behavior. However, confirming previous results, we find that this minimal model is unstable at early times at small scales and present possible ways to cure the instability

    Stochastic Field Theory for Structure Formation  (pdf)- Florian FUEHRER, University Heidelberg

    Résumé : I will describe how the effect of small scales on the structure formation on  large scales can be parametrized by effective fluid parameters and a stochas-  tic noise. In particular I will focus on how to constrain these terms. Using  a simplified, but still realistic, model gives very strong constrains on the allowed parameters. I will also elaborate on the Bispectrum and point out it’s  importance for testing effective field theory models for clustering.

    How the cosmic web induces galaxy intrinsic alignments (pdf) - Sandrine CODIS, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris

    Résumé : Intrinsic alignments are believed to be the major source of systematics of the future generation of weak gravitational lensing surveys like Euclid or LSST.
    Direct measurements of the alignment of the projected light distribution of galaxies in wide field imaging data seem to agree on a contamination at a level between a few per cent and ∼ 10 per cent of the shear correlation functions, although the amplitude of the effect depends on the population of galaxies considered. Given this dependency, it is difficult to use dark matter-only simulations as the sole resource to predict and control intrinsic alignments. The inherently anisotropic nature of the large-scale structure and its complex imprint on the shapes and spins of galaxies may prevent isotropic approaches from making accurate predictions. In this work, we show how the hydrodynamical simulation Horizon-AGN can be used to shed light on the level of intrinsic alignment that could possibly be a major source of systematic errors in weak gravitational lensing measurements. In particular, assuming that the spin of galaxies is a good proxy for their ellipticity, we discuss how they are spatially correlated and how they couple to the tidal field in which they are embedded.

    Building up along cosmic filaments: accretion and mergers on galactic spins (pdf) - Charlotte Welker, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

    Résumé : Over the past ten years, several numerical investigations have reported that large - scale structures, i.e. cosmic filaments and sheets, influence the kinematics and morphology of dark haloes and galaxies . Thus, i t has been shown t hat massive hal oes have their angular momentum ( spin ) preferentially perpendicular to their neigh b o ring filament and higher spin parameters while low - mass haloes tend to show a parallel orientation of the spin . Using the cosmological hydrodynamical Horizon - AGN simulation, we have recently uncovered a similar trend for galaxies : the AM of low - mass, rotation - dominated, blue, star - forming galaxies is preferentially aligned with their filaments, whereas high - mass, velocity dispersion - supported, red quiescent galaxies tend to possess an AM perpendicular to these filaments. Moreover, we were able to associate a transition mass to this cha nge in spin orientation, which loosely corresponds to the characteristic mass at which a halo extent becomes comparable to that of the vorticity quadrant in which it is embedded within its host filament. These predictions have recently received their first observational support (Tempel & Libeskind 2013). Analyzing Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, these authors uncovered a trend f or spiral galaxies to align with nearby structures, as well as a trend for elliptical galaxies to be perpendicular to them. The key idea that emerged from all these studies is that lighter galaxies might acquire most of their spin through secondary infall from their (aligned with th e filament) vorticity rich environment, while more massive galaxies would rather acquire a large fraction of theirs via orbital momentum transfer during merger events which mainly take place along the direction of the large scale filament closest to them . We have recently confronted this scenario to numerical data and uncovered the major influence of mergers and smooth accretion on the properties of galaxies, noticeably the re - orientation of galactic spins relative to cosmic filaments. I n this talk, I will revisit these significant findings with an emphasis both on exploring the physical mechanisms which drive halo’s and galactic spin swings and on quantifying how much mergers and smooth accretion re - orient these spins relative to cosmic filament s. After a brief review of recent achievement s on this topic , I will develop in details the dynamical scenario that has emerged from these studies and present the recent results that strongly support these mechanisms. In particular, I will analyze the effect of mergers and smooth accretion on spin orientation, spin magnitude, dispersion and morphology for haloes and galaxies. The latter is of particular interest since correlated galactic morphologies are expected to be a major source of error in weak gravitational lensing surveys. Eventually I will discuss potential tracers for prospective observational confrontation. If time, I will discuss the comparative influence of dry and wet mergers on the morphology of galaxies.

    Non-Gaussianity within SKA Large Scale Structure Observations (pdf) - Mahmoud HASHIM, University of Western Cape

    Résumé : None

    Estimating masses of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (ppt) Klaudia KOWALCZYK, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre

    Résumé : None

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